A Brief Overview of What We Work On
Revolutionizing Wireless Communications by Empowering a Digitalized Society
In this short post I summarize what we work on. When I say “we”, I refer to the broader researcher community, of which I am a part.
Our focus lies in revolutionizing wireless communications to meet the demands of a digitalized society. As we embark on the journey towards smart homes, smart cities, and smart industries, the need for increased connectivity is paramount. To achieve this, we are developing the next generation of technologies that prioritize energy efficiency, reliability, and capability.
Our approach of doing this involves transitioning from big antenna towers/base-stations located at fewer locations in every city, to a network of many small antennas strategically placed throughout cities. Thus, every user will be closer to some antennas in one way or other. By bringing these antennas closer to users, we enhance the system’s reliability, energy efficiency, and robustness. This transformation ensures that the connectivity we provide is reliable and efficient, catering to the evolving demands of a dynamic environment.
To bring this vision to life, we contribute by keeping our focus on building fundamental mathematical theories for these technologies, developing signal processing algorithms, and rigorously testing them using a combination of computer simulations, simulators, hardware test beds, and real-world test fields. These form the backbone of our wireless communication solutions, optimizing the transmission, reception, and processing of signals. Collaborating with industries, we work towards implementing and standardizing these advancements, with the aim of shaping the future of wireless communication, which eventually be known as 6G or any futurisitic next-generation technology, Refer.
In another post, I will summarize what I am working on in my PhD and how I am contributing to aforementioned future vision.